Michigan Wetlands Association Conference 2020
Visions for the Future
September 2-4, 2020
Grand Traverse Resort
Acme, Michigan
We invite your organization to consider supporting the Michigan Wetlands Association Conference 2020 through either becoming a sponsor and exhibiting your organization at the conference. Maximize the return on your dollar with prime exposure and networking opportunities. There are several options for supporting the conference:
Exhibit space is available at the conference Tuesday night through Friday morning. Non-profit exhibits are $40 and for-profit exhibits are $100. Register for your exhibit space here. For questions on exhibits please contact Amy Berry, at berrya2@michigan.gov.
Sponsor benefits include conference registration, recognition in printed materials and on the website, and exhibit space. Sponsorships are available at 4 levels. To become a sponsor or for additional information, please contact Kurt Brauer, at mwapresident@miwetlands.org.
$5,000 – $9,999: Eastern Massasauga
- Name/logo/link on conference website
- ½ -page ad in program agenda
- Listing in the program agenda
- Three full conference registrations w/sponsorship ID badges
- 1 exhibit space
- Logo on conference signage
$2,500 – $4,999: Marbled Salamander
- Name/logo/link on conference website
- ¼ -page ad in program agenda
- Listing in the program agenda
- Two full conference registrations w/sponsorship ID badges
- 1 exhibit space
- Organization name on conference signage
$1,000 – $2,499: Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly
- Name/logo/link on conference website
- Listing in the program agenda
- One full conference registration w/sponsorship ID badge
- 1 exhibit space
- Organization name on conference signage
$500 – $999: Blanchard’s cricket frog
- Name/logo/link on conference Web site
- Listing in the program agenda
- One full conference registration w/sponsorship ID badge
- Organization name on conference signage
Logo Guidelines
The preferred format is a vector EPS file. You may also send a TIF or JPG file that’s at least 300 DPI at 8″ wide (2400 px.) for use on signage
Ad Guidelines
All ads must be submitted digitally via email to cvpollman@gmail.com.
High resolution PDF files are preferred. High resolution Photoshop files (TIF, EPS, JPG) and vector EPS files are also accepted
Half Page Horizontal: 7.5″w x 4.875″h
Quarter Page: 3.625″w x 4.875″h
Submit materials by August 1, 2020