Spring Meeting and Social

Topic: Recent changes to Parts 301 and 303 in 2018 PA 631

Bell’s Brewery Eccentric Cafe 

355 E. Kalamazoo Ave, Kalamazoo



Presentation: DEQ Wetland Regulation Changes 2019

Come spend some time with MWA at the Eccentric Café, Bell’s back room! Learn about what changes were made in PA 631 and how Waters of the United States (WOTUS) applies to Michigan’s wetlands, lakes, and streams program.

Amy Berry and Keto Gyekis from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) will give a presentation on the statute changes and determining WOTUS as defined in the 2015 Clean Water Rule. There will be some time after the presentation for questions and answers, and then a few hours for networking with your wetland friends.

Space is limited to the first 50 people to register.

$25 price includes an assortment of food and drink from Bell’s unique menu.


Sponsorship opportunities are available! For more information on sponsorships, send an inquiry to tlosee@niswander-env.com


This event is fully booked.