Two (2) day field class covering native and non-native wetland and upland grass species found within wetland and transitional habitats. Participants will learn primarily through in-depth field instruction how to identify native and non-native grasses using a variety of field and laboratory characteristics The class will visit field sites in Southern Jackson County, including at least one successional/disturbed area to identify disturbed ground and lower quality site species.
Wetland Grass Identification
$200.00 – $250.00
Out of stock
Name of Class: Wetland Grass Identification
Dates: July 19 & 20, 2023
Location: Jackson, Michigan
Time(s): 8:30am to 4:30pm
Instructors: Dr. Anton Reznicek
Cost: $200 (MWA members), $250 (non-members)
Click here to become a MWA member.
Class Description: Two (2) day field class covering native and non-native wetland and upland grass species found within wetland and transitional habitats. Participants will learn primarily through in-depth field instruction how to identify native and non-native grasses using a variety of field and laboratory characteristics The class will visit field sites in Southern Jackson County, including at least one successional/disturbed area to identify disturbed ground and lower quality site species.
Instructor Bios:
Dr. Anton Reznicek – Dr. Reznicek is a research scientist and curator of vascular plants at the University of Michigan Herbarium in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His major research interest is the systematics and evolution of sedges (Cyperaceae), especially the large and complex genus Carex. In his research, he emphasizes a multi-level approach concentrating on several aspects, including development of new characters useful in systematics, monographic studies of major groups, and processes and patterns of evolution. He also conducts research on the biogeography of the northeastern North American flora, concentrating on the Great Lakes region, and primarily focusing on plant migration and colonization, the origin and persistence of relict plant species and communities, and the biogeography and conservation of rare species. Dr. Reznicek has a broad knowledge of Michigan plants, and was instrumental in updating and consolidating Voss’s three volume Michigan Flora, with the publication of the Field Manual of Michigan Flora in 2012. Dr. Reznicek has instructed many training courses in the past for MWA, including classes on shrubs, grasses, sedges, asters, goldenrods and others.
Class Cancellation Notification
Five (5) days prior to the start of class, participants will be notified of a cancellation. The MWA Treasurer will refund 100% of the fee received to participants.
Cancellation Policy for Attendees
- Any attendee can transfer, at any time, their spot in the class to another person with no financial penalty
- Cancellation prior to14 days of the class is eligible for 100% refund of class fees
- Cancellation from 1-13 days of the class is eligible for 50% refund of class fees
- Cancellation within less than 1 day of start of the class (including during the class) is not eligible for any refund (0%), however the spot can be transferred to any other person.