MWA 2014 Wetlands Conference
March 20, 2017 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
New Directions in Wetland Protection and Management
August 27-29, 2014
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Thank you to everyone who participated in the MWA 2014 Wetlands Conference!
Please join us in thanking our sponsors listed in the right-hand column. The MWA 2014 Wetlands Conference was made possible with their generous support.
Click to download Conference Participant List.
Click to download Conference Agenda.
TRACK I: Current Topics in Wetlands Science
Day 1. Coastal Wetland Monitoring Results
Day 1. Expanding Fish-Based Monitoring of Great Lakes coastal
Day 1. Michigan’s Monitoring and Assessment Strategy
Day 1. Using MIRAM for Accessing Wetlands
Day 1. Utilizing Landscape Level Assessment Data
Day 1. Michigan’s Status and Trends Report (Part 1)
Day 1. Michigan’s Status and Trends Report (Part 2)
Day 2. Adaptation Planning for Local Governments
Day 2. Best Management Practices/Tools for Adaptation
Day 2. Climate Change Adaptation A Five Year Strategy
Day 2. Climate Change in Michigan – Predictions and Adaptations for Wildlife
Day 2. Developing an Effective Approach for Vernal Pools Mapping
Day 2. Local Climate Adaptation for Water Resources
Day 2. Mapping and Visualizing Lake Level Changes for the US Great Lakes
Day 3. Exploration of Wetland-Near Shore Coupling in the Great Lakes
Day 3. Stress Gradients and Coastal Ecosystem Indicators
TRACK II: Update on Michigan’s Wetland Protection Program
Day 1. MDEQ Wetland Mitigation Bank Funding Program-Mitigation Banking Grants and Loans
Day 1. Update on General Permits and Minor Project Categories
Day 1. Update on Michigan’s 404 Program
Day 1. US EPA’s role in the Michigan Wetlands Program
Day 1. USFWS Update
Day 2. After the Fact Evalutaion of Impacts at a Complicated Site
Day 2. Improving Outcomes of Stream Alteration Projects
Day 2. Long Term Management and Stewardship for Mitigation
Day 2. Mitigation Toolbox-Mitigation Plans-Mitigation Monitoring
Day 2. Evaluating Wetland Impacts of the Enbridge Oil Spill
Day 2. Healthy River-Reducing Impacts of In-Stream Structures and Culverts (Part 1)
Day 2. Healthy River-Reducing Impacts of In-Stream Structures and Culverts (Part 2)
Day 2. Preserving High Quality Habitats as Mitigation for Permitted Wetland Impacts
Day 3. Creating Habitat for Amphibians and Reptiles-A Case Study
Day 3. Michigan Amphibian and Reptile Best Management Practices Manual
Day 3. Michigan Herp Atlas Project
TRACK III: Wetland and Watershed Management
Day 1. MDNR Grant Programs for Wetlands
Day 1. Obtaining Nonpoint Source Funding for Wetland Restoration
Day 1. Project Clarity-Restoring the Lake Macatawa Watershed
Day 1. Restoring Green Infrastructure in the Lower Grand River Watershed
Day 1. State and Federal Grant Programs for Aquisition and Restoration of Wetlands
Day 1. Wild Rice-Growing a Collective Movement
Day 2. Coastal Network Restoration at Lake St. Clair Metropark
Day 2. Early Detection and Response of AIS
Day 2. Engaging Farmers in Conservation
Day 2. Lake Erie Coastal Restoration
Day 2. Long Term Management and Stewardship Roundtable
Day 2. MDEQ’s Agricultural Assistance Program
Day 2. New Tools in AIS Management
Day 2. NRCS Wetland Determinations and Certifications
Day 2. State of Michigan Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program
Day 2. Using Hydrogeomorphic Analysis for Project Planning at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
Day 3. Honor Yesterday-Engage Today-Build Tomorrow
Day 3. MDNR Programs
Day 3. Partnering for Restoring Wetlands for Waterfowl
Day 3. Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
Day 3. Voluntary Wetland Restoration
On behalf of the Michigan Wetlands Association, we would like to thank the sponsors, volunteers, speakers, moderators, exhibitors, and participants – all of you have contributed your valuable time and expertise toward making this conference a success.