Fall Meeting: A Focus on PFAS and Wetlands
October 8, 2019
9:30am to 2:30pm
GVSU Eberhard Center, 301 Fulton St W, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Speakers: Adam Near, Golder Associates; Wes Flynn, Purdue University; Joe Bohr, EGLE; and Connor Kowalke, CMU
WOTUS Update also given by Melanie Burdick, EPA and Marla Stelk, ASWM
Cost: $25 A lunch will be provided as part of the registration.
Wes Flynn – Wetlands and PFAS: Amphibians
Connor Kowalke – MWA 2019 PFAS Talk
Adam Near – MWA PFAS Presentation
Joe Bohr – MWA PFAS in MI Fish 10-8-2019
WOTUS update R5 State and Tribal Wetlands Meeting 10-2019
Learn about how PFAS may affect wetland ecosystems. Per- and poly-flouroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of contaminants of emerging concern nationwide. Impacts to drinking water and potential impacts on human health have been widely reported. The impact of this group of contaminants on wetland ecosystems is also of concern but has been less discussed. Presentations begin to delve into wetland concerns with PFAS and includes an overview of PFAS issues, the history and status of monitoring in Michigan and Great Lakes coastal wetlands, and understanding the potential for PFAS impacts on amphibians.
MWA social afterwards at New Holland Brewing Co. in GR from 3-6. RSVP for that separately so we can get an estimated number attending. (https://miwetlands.org/events/2019-fall-social/)
Bookings are closed for this event.